Thursday, July 28, 2011

NYC HOTELS- Lockers Purchasing Guide, New or Used?

Like the used car industry, Prices for used lockers have skyrocketed.  
Unlike the auto industry used lockers are sold with no warranty. "As is".  When customers buy new lockers and discard their old lockers, It's usually because the lockers are in very bad condition. Repairing used lockers drives the cost up to use them over the cost of new lockers.
 The good news is new "US Manufactured Lockers" costs are now within 10% of the cost of used, And include a lifetime warranty. Eliminating the cost of constantly repairing lockers.
Today more than ever, NYC has hundreds of Locker Sources to buy from. Price & Warranty should always be considered when selecting the right lockers. Gyms, Schools, Hotels, Restaurants, Law Enforcement and Business have unique needs.
 Space available for Lockers and the amount of Lockers needed dictate the type of locker and Locker size that should be used. Single Tier Lockers (shown above left picture) offer space for clothing to hang, Storage space for backpacks and shoes.
 Double Tier Lockers (shown above - blue lockers) are very popular in NYC. Double Tier Lockers offer space to hang clothing, backpacks, etc.
 Designing a locker room or hallway lockers to meet the needs of all users is the first consideration. Proper aisle space, ADA considerations and locker options should be considered when laying out Lockers.
 Gale's (Est. 1938) simplifies the process, With our Free on site "Space Analysis" Our Locker Techs will help you layout your lockers space, Assist with Locker selection and options. While meeting all City, State & Federal Guidelines.
 Gale's Lockers have a lifetime written warranty, Available from stock, for immediate delivery,  Gale's has thousands of lockers installed in NYC, Our purchasing power enables us to provide you with the best locker at the lowest cost.
 Need assistance buying lockers? contact Gale's today for immediate assistance.
Gale's Industrial Supply